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3435 Duluth Park Lane, Suite A Duluth, GA 30096

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3435 Duluth Park Lane, Suite A Duluth, GA 30096

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3435 Duluth Park Lane, Suite A Duluth, GA 30096

Newborn Instruction


In order to increase breast milk production, mother needs to increase water drinking (1 cup of water after every breast feeding), give regular feeding (every 2 hrs during the day and on demand at night), and breast feed or pump 15 minutes on each breast (to let the body know to increase milk production).


Give approximately 1 oz of formula for each hour of life (if feeding every 2 hrs then give 2 oz of formula. If feeding every 3 hrs then give 3 oz of formula).


For breast milk fed baby, there is no need to worry about constipation or diarrhea. Baby can stool 5-10 times a day or once a week, and it is all considered normal. However, if the baby is formula fed, then the baby should stool at least once a day. If a baby who is drinking mostly formula has no stool for 3 days or more, then the infant should be checked for constipation. Stool colors of yellow to green are all normal except for these 3 colors: Red, Black, and White. If the stool contains recurrent red or black blood, then the baby should be check for GI bleeding. If the whole stool in the diaper have no color and looks grey-white, then the baby should be checked for possible liver problem.


All circumcised baby boys need to keep the circumcision site clean. Apply generous amount of Vaseline to circumcision site after every diaper change. For female baby, do not be alarmed at mild white or red mucousy vaginal discharge. White mucus helps to protect the vaginal area from stool and urine entering into vaginal vault. Red bloody vaginal discharge within first few weeks of life is normal. It will clear up.


All babies need to be guarded against possible infection exposure. Sick family members should avoid direct contact with a newborn without proper washing of hands and wearing of mask if sick from a cold or fever. Be cautious of taking the newborn to a heavily populated area like church, shopping mall, or family get-together. If a baby shows signs of infection along with fever of greater than 100.4 degree rectal temperature, then the baby should be taken to ER for immediate evaluation. Time is of essence! Be prepared for probable admission to hospital if the baby is less than 2 mo's of age and has fever. It would be prudent to avoid all sick exposures.


These are normal behaviors for babies and, as long as they are not accompanied with congestion and coughing, and they can be safely monitored.


Sun exposure is very important for all children including infants. Most babies should get about 30-60 minutes of sunlight exposure daily for Vitamin D production. Particularly for a baby with signs of jaundice, one hour of sunlight exposure becomes very important. The baby needs to be stripped down to a diaper and then exposed under the direct sunlight by the window, from head to toe. After 30 minutes, the baby needs to be flipped over to belly to maximize sun exposure on all parts of the body. Be mindful of temperature regulation. Babies can get hot and cold faster than adults, so the room temperature should be monitored for extreme temperature fluctuation.


Pacifiers can be very helpful and are preferred over using a bottle when the reason for a baby's crying cannot be determined or alleviated. Some babies just like to suck even though they are not hungry. Giving a bottle when they are not hungry could lead to obesity later. You may hold and cuddle your baby for crying episodes; you cannot spoil your baby by cuddling at this age. Baby carrier by Bjorn or simple cloth carriers that hold your baby close to you can be very helpful and leave your hands free to do other things.Beginning around 2 weeks, many babies will develop a fussy period, most commonly in the afternoon and evening. This increases until 6 weeks of age when the average baby cries 3-4 hours daily for no apparent reason. This is commonly referred to as a "colic". Fortunately, this fussiness subsides over the next 6 weeks. Feel free to rock and cuddle your baby at these times, but realize that you cannot stop all of the cryings. A bouncer that vibrates may help soothe a fussy baby. There is excellent resource from Dr. Karp showing how to handle a crying baby in his DVD called "Happiest Baby on the Block."